Cleaning outdoor rugs is an arduous task. And removing accumulated mold and mildew over several days is even more challenging.
At times, you feel too lazy to clean. While on other days, you perhaps aren’t in a mood to clean. Finally, it becomes an impossible task when you want to clean the mess.
Isn’t it?
So, how do you remove mold and mildew from outdoor carpets? There are two ways– either you should take help from professional carpet cleaning services or do it yourself. If you’re looking for simple techniques to clean the outdoor carpets, you’ll love this article.
As you read, you’ll discover the core reason for the accumulation of mold and mildew, ways to remove it, directions, how often to clean your carpets, and more.
So, without any further ado– let’s dive in.
Why Do Outdoor Carpets Get Mold?

Mold or mildew grows in darker, low sunlight or without air circulation. This is why carpets in shadowy regions of your home are highly prone to mold, especially in winters or rainy seasons.
Usually, mold or mildew formation results in a foul smell and leaves stubborn stains. If the mold is left uncleaned for several days, it emits toxic fumes and causes respiratory-related health disorders.
So, How To Remove Mold And Mildew From An Outdoor Carpet
The dirt and dust from outdoor carpets can be easily ripped away using a soft-bristled brush. For effective cleaning, use detergent and water. Baking soda also acts as a powerful cleaning agent that eliminates mold.
Here are some simple yet effective techniques to remove accumulated dirt from carpets.
- Remove Mold And Mildew With Vacuum
The loose mold can be easily cleaned using a brush and vacuum.
- Brush the carpet on mold spots and vacuum it until they are washed off completely.
- Clean the remaining carpet.
- Throw dust into the trash can.
- If there are any stains, use the soap solution and brush it with a sponge.
- Finally, dry it in the sunlight.
- Remove Mold And Mildew With Peroxide
Here’s a simple technique to effectively kill the mold using peroxide.
- Take hydrogen peroxide and water in 1:5 parts.
- Pour the mixture on a moldy carpet using a cloth or a mop.
- Scrub the carpet thoroughly.
- Dry it.
- Remove Mold And Mildew With Bleach
One can also clean the carpets using chlorine bleach and water. However, it seems a bit expensive; it’s worth doing to clean the carpets efficiently.
- Take two tablespoons of dilute chlorine bleach with one-fourth of water.
- Pour the mixture on moldy areas of your carpet and rub it thoroughly using a sponge.
- Leave the carpet in the bleach mixture for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Lastly, rinse and dry the carpet.
What About Vinegar? Can You Remove Mold And Mildew With Vinegar?

Does vinegar remove mold or mildew? And the simple answer is yes. Did you know just 5% of household vinegar kills 90% of mold found on bathroom tiles?
- Take out the outdoor carpet and soak the moldy part in the concentrated vinegar.
- Then, use a mixture of a cup of vinegar and 10 liters of water to wash the carpet in the washing machine.
- Dry the rug once you remove the mold or stains on it.
Likewise, you can also use baking soda. Apart from the above tips, power washing is best suited to remove mold and mildew.
How Frequently Should You Clean The Outdoor Rug?

Usually, the outdoor carpets should be cleaned once a week. Since the outdoor carpets are highly exposed to dust, moisture, water, or other bacteria, they can easily accumulate mold.
On the other hand, these carpets are easily stained with mud, sand, or dirt. So, use a soft brush or a carpet cleaning solution to remove the stains or bacteria. Suppose you’re using a cleaning solution; test it before pouring it onto your carpet.
Use the solution if it doesn’t damage the carpet. For instance, spot out the mold and add a small amount of solution to the rug or carpet. Or else, go for organic cleaning methods using baking soda or vinegar.
How Do You Prevent Mold And Mildew
The cheapest way to prevent mold and mildew from outdoor carpets is by keeping them dry. Make sure you rinse and dry the carpets after rainfall or snowfall. Hanging the carpets under the sunlight kills harmful bacteria, including molds.
If you’ve placed the carpet in a shady area, move it to the sunlight now and then. You can even use outdoor carpets that are specially designed to withstand mold. If the outdoor areas receive extreme UV rays, you can choose a carpet that can tolerate UV rays.
Key Takeaways

Outdoors are built so that they can easily withstand external factors. Yet, mold or mildew formation is an inevitable process due to moisture. A few best ways to remove mold or mildew are using vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, bleaching powder, and a vacuum.
Using hydrogen peroxide for bleaching powder is ideal if you’ve got stubborn stains. Similarly, use a vacuum to remove loose mold. Make sure you dry the outdoor carpets after heavy rainfall or snowfall. Or else it leads to the formation of mold or fungus, causing unnecessary health issues.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you clean mildew and mold from an outdoor rug?
Use a full cup of vinegar in a bucket of lukewarm water at your home. Soak the carpet into the mixture for 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the stains or molds. Then, scrub, rinse, and dry the rug.
What’s the best way to store the outdoor rug?
Wrap the outdoor rugs or carpets in the plastic cover and tie it with a rope tightly. Then, store them in the garage or cupboards.
How do you dry outdoor rugs?
Squeeze the rugs after rinsing in the soap or cleaning solution. Then, dry them in the sun. Make sure you don’t let the carpet trap moisture or water that leads to mold formation again.